28 December 2020 In the Westland region, several heat clusters and geothermal sources are under development to make greenhouse horticulture more sustainable. But what about the use of residual heat from this Westland? In recent months, Energie Transitie Partners, together with De Jong Packaging, has conducted research into a useful destination for the residual heat from De Jong Packaging at the Westerlee Trade Center in De Lier. Alderman Varekamp (municipality of Westland): “The heat demand in Westland is enormous. These are good opportunities for the energy transition to also use locally generated residual heat. We strongly support these initiatives from the market and are pleased with the planning subsidy from the province of South Holland that made this study possible. ”
Sustainable opportunities at De Jong Packaging
De Jong Packaging, specialist in corrugated board packaging, has its own production process with 2 corrugators and 16 processing machines. Henk de Jong, owner of De Jong Packaging: “Sustainability is an important theme for us and for our customers. In our factory we take numerous measures to minimize the impact on the environment. ” Due to a planned expansion of the boilers at the corrugated board factory, the production process will generate more residual heat in the future. Entrepreneurs such as Henk de Jong want to use their residual product in a useful way, which is a difficult task. So if there is a heat pipe running along the business park, it makes sense to investigate whether it is profitable to connect. The design of a smart hybrid heating network such as a TKI project (Top Sector Knowledge and Innovation) for energy was previously investigated. This study has been used as the basis for this feasibility study.
Feasibility study
The feasibility study investigated the conditions of the residual heat and the coupling of the residual heat source in the surrounding heating system. A budget has also been drawn up for the costs of disconnecting residual heat and connecting it with consumers. In the inventory of the heat demand, 3 different options have been further explored:
• Heating own buildings and surrounding buildings on the industrial estate and on the other side of the N223.
• Residual heat as a possible sustainable source for greenhouse horticulture entrepreneurs in the Westerlee area. In the immediate vicinity of De Jong Packaging there are several greenhouse horticulture entrepreneurs who are not connected to a heat network and who can use the residual heat in a useful way.
• The existing building of De Jong Verpakking is located next to the Trias Westland heating network. The residual heat from the corrugated board factory can be a possible connection, or coupling, to the heat network.
Residual heat from cardboard production
De Jong Packaging will continue to use residual heat. For example, the engineering is being developed for heating and connecting new and existing adjacent buildings to residual heat and cooling. In addition, the offices in the new building will soon be heated with heat from cardboard production. Currently, supplying residual heat to greenhouse horticulture entrepreneurs is still an economic challenge due to the costs of transporting the heat.
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