The Ooievaarsrun 2022

21 September 2022 This last 10th of September The Jong Packaging participated in the yearly Ooievaarsrun.

Every third saterday of September there is a charitable action for people with an intellectual disabillity called “the Ooievaarsrun”.  This Ooievaarsrun is a tour with lorries across mutilpe places in “Gemeente Westland”. This tour is sposored by a lot of different companies who provide the lorries for the people with an intellectial disorder. This event goes through with a lot of honking but most importendly a lot of smiles.

This year The Jong Packaging were one of the lucky companies who were able to give these people a wonderfull day. Our lorry driver Hans Ouwekerk was the one that drove for The Jong Packaging in the tour. We are happy we can support these kind of events and try to help as much as possible.Ooievaarsrun 2022

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